As of today (Tuesday, 26 January 2016), Single Sign-On is now available to new and existing customers.
What's SSO (Single Sign-On)?
Single Sign-on allows trusted applications and third parties to authenticate users into our a WHMCS installation automatically, without the user having to re-authenticate
I'm a Master Reseller customer - Can i take advantage of this?
Yes, absolutely! You can enable this via Setup > Application Links.
What If I don't want SSO (Single Sign-On)?
If you'd like to opt-out of Single Sign-On you can do this via the Customer Portal (Portal Home > Hello, Name! > Security Settings > Single Sign-On toggle to off).
Why would I need to disable this - Should I?
You may wish to disable this functionality if you provide access to any of your third party applications to users who you do not wish to be able to access your billing account.
What's supproted by Single Sign-On?
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