Unfortunately not, all account sharing is forbidden. Sharing your TechMania-Hosts account with another user of the forum to obtain files, access private downloads or file, or to avoid bans or for any other purpose is forbidden, and may result in your account becoming suspended or an extension to your original ban.
Can I transfer my client account?
Unfortunately at this moment in time it's not possible to transfer your account ownership to another client/account.
Unfortunately at this moment in time it's not possible to transfer your account ownership to another client/account.
Can I transfer my client account products or services?
If you request to push/move/transfer a product or a credit balance to another client in our system, you cannot take this request back and have the product or credit balance moved back to you. It is a one- way transfer, which cannot be reversed unless the client requests it to be. You can only request this service every 5 months, if you wish to do this simply submit a support ticket, and a member of our team will transfer the requested products/services within 24 hours.
Updated: 03 November 2012